Should I add supplements to my pets diet?
Supplements are something that we must be careful with as they are not as well-regulated as food is. Almost anything can be sold under the name ‘supplement’ even if it has no nutritional value. It is a good idea to discuss anything you are thinking of supplementing in your dog’s diet with a holistic vet or pet nutritionist first, and to research thoroughly.
Most dogs that are on a complete well balanced diet have no need for supplements. However, a dog’s metabolism and needs can change, and their nutritional requirements will change with it. If you give your dog a good quality food but they are not looking well or acting as they should for their age, then additional nutrients may be required. The first thing to do is get a full health check with a holistic vet to obtain their opinion on general condition. They can do a physical examination, carry out blood and urine tests and highlight any obvious problems. The vet may then recommend a specific supplement for early intervention.
Only give a supplement if your pet needs it or as a prevention, not just because it’s the latest product on the market or your friend gives it to their pet. If for any reason they have a negative response stop feeding it.
❌Potential hazards
All supplements come with their own healthy benefits. Overconsumption can lead to diarrhoea, vomiting, or bowel irritation, among other things. In some cases, dogs may have an allergy towards certain supplements. When you feed them to your pet for the first time, pay attention to their reaction and subsequent behaviours. If you suspect something is wrong, talk to your holistic vet or pet nutritionist. Remember moderation is key - too much of a good thing ends up being toxic!
Some Supplements we recommend at our store :
