What is bone broth ?
“It is a strong rejuvenating potion high in minerals, amino acids, glucosamine and many more valuable nutrients,” says veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM. “It can be served alone or mixed with meals.”
There are many different methods of how to do bone broth. Our preferred method is using a slow cooker and simmering ingredients for 24-48 hrs. Anything less than 24 hrs is considered to be stock rather than broth. With stock not enough nutrients are extracted from the bones. The main ingredients include weight bearing bones and apple cider vinegar. Some prefer adding veggies and herbs.

What are the benefits of bone broth ?
- Rehydration especially cats and dogs that have been vomiting and / or having diarrhoea.
- Full of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
- High in hyaluronic acid which helps coat and preserve collagen in joints.
- Rich in amino acids which helps with strengthening their muscles and bones. The collagen in the bones breaks down during the process and creates gelatin. Collagen together with gelatin provides dogs and cats with plenty of protein and amino acids.
- Another amino acid found in bone broth is Glutamine. This is essentially important for dogs and cats that suffer with leaky gut syndrome or intestinal dysbiosis. Glutamine helps strengthen the intestinal lining and reduces inflammation whilst reparing the intestinal mucosa.
- Bone broth also is known to heal ulcers by acting as a band aid for protection from further damage
- It is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain and helps with memory, focus and concentration
-Known to fight cancer and improves diabetes and blood sugar

Unfortunately due to a number of cats and dogs eating processed food it is no surprise that many suffer from leaky gut syndrome, IBD or IBS. Repairing the mucosa is essential making the body stronger, hydrated and able to grow healthy bacteria in the gut.
Bone broth / collagen have an important role in restoring gut health by building blocks needed to repair damage from the disease.
What bone broth is available at the store :
Turkey Broth
Rabbit Brith
Each flavour has its own advantages depending on which medical issues your dog or cat has. Visit our store, and meet out pet nutritionist to discuss further what your pet's medical needs are.
References :
Dr. Axe addresses the benefits of L-glutamine in “plain English:” https://draxe.com/l-glutamine-benefits-side-effects-dosage/